Thick Softcover Book Mockup

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Thick Softcover Book Mockup

Free Softcover Book Mockup

The best Book Mockup to showcase designs for the front cover and the spine. Easily be edited via Adobe Photoshop thanks to the smart object layers.

File Types:
File Size:
20 MB
5386 x 3750 px
Free For Use


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Wooden Stool Hardcover Book Mockup

The sturdiness of a book is contingent upon the toughness of its cover, as it safeguards the pages from potential damage. If you desire to visualize your book cover, we offer a complimentary design resource for today: the Hardcover Book on Wooden Stool mockup. This mockup PSD, available free of charge, showcases a hardcover book […]

Hard Cover Book Mockup

The best Book Mockup to display book cover page design from front and side views with this elegant scene. It comes in PSD format with smart object layers, so inserting your graphics and editing the book itself will be a fun task.

Paperback Thick Book Mockup

Today, we are delighted to present a collection of Paperback Thick Book Mockups in PSD format. These mockups allow you to showcase your title and spine design on smart objects, as well as customize the appearance of the inner pages. Additionally, the background color is easily changeable, providing you with the flexibility to create a […]

Standing Book Mockup

The best Book Mockup that displays a standing hardcover book from a perspective point of view. You can easily edit the background, insert your graphics, and add your end results to both personal and commercial projects.

Holding Book Mockup

The best Book Mockup can be used for novellas, short stories, illustration books, brochures, catalogs, and etc. PSD file include smart-object layer, which help the designers to get the desire presentation.

Gravity Hardcover Book Mockup

Reading books is not only beneficial for children but also for adults. Books serve as a reliable source of information, offering not only accurate knowledge but also valuable guidance. Moreover, books are an affordable hobby that can be enjoyed for as long as one finds pleasure in them. Engaging with books enhances literacy skills, boosts […]

Branding Book Mockup

The best Book Mockup showcases 3 books standing upright so you can share your designs for the front cover and the spine using the smart object layers, as well as offer other possible color schemes.

PSD Landscape Book Mockup

The best Landscape Book Mockup to showcase your landscape book designs professionally. After that, look for the smart object layer where you can replace the existing design to your own. You can present your front cover, back cover, spine and inside pages of a landscape book.

Book Mockups

The best Book Mockup to present your book covers, book pages in a professional and realistic manner. This free mockup and customize in Photoshop. Particularly, this freebie contains 7 different book scenes from various angles. This mockup is smart layers that allow you to upload your book covers, spines and inside pages quickly and easily.

Children’s Book Mockup PSD

It includes six top-notch PSD files that showcase a hardcover book perfect for young readers. Each scene captures the book’s texture and realistic vibe, making it a great choice for designers diving into children’s publishing projects.

Hardcover Dust Jacket Book Mockup

The best Book Mockup features a stack of three hardcover books with an open dust jacket, you can easily customize the design and color of the spine, dust jacket, and hardcover. Place artwork on the smart object and get a natural result. You will be able to change the color of background.

Realistic Book Cover Mockups

The best Book Mockup to display your designs for the front and back covers, as well as their spines, with one mockup focusing solely on the latter. With the shadows set, all you have to do is insert your graphics, editing the color of the books and the background in the process.